I was a latecomer.
By the time I bought my first Dreamcast, the system had already lived and died, games were only available on the internet and in dusty stacks on the used software endcaps of dedicated video game shops, and the console itself could be purchased for thirty bucks easily.
I was looking for something new, a change of pace from the titles I had been recently playing. I don’t know why I’d gone with the original Xbox over the PlayStation 2… No actually, that’s not true, I do remember. Halo. You see, I’ve been a Bungie fan since way back in the day — played the hell out of Marathon, and Myth is one of my all-time favorite series — and I was one of those folks watching with wary trepidation when it was announced that Microsoft (Microsoft!) would be purchasing the studio.
Anyways, so I had an original Xbox, I was tired of XTREME games about dudes shooting dudes, and I wanted something different and interesting. After a bit of shopping, I came home with a Dreamcast, two controllers, and used copies of Seaman (with microphone), and Grandia II.
And so, a very special link love.

History and Introspection…
9.9.99, A Dreamcast Memorial from 1UP.
Gamasutra Feature: The Rise and Fall of the Dreamcast.
Peter Moore, on the Dreamcast: 9/9/99 Ten Years After.
From Ars, The Swirl That Shook Gaming.
Still want more? Bitmob has been thinking about the Dreamcast all week.
Highlights of the library…
Destructoid celebrates 10 years of Dreamcast: the games.
The Sega Dreamcast Shmups Library, revised edition, at Racketboy.
A Decade of Dreams, a bunch of Dreamcast Quick Looks from Giant Bomb.
And the ultimate software retrospective of the week: THE DREAMCAST TOP 100.
They still make games for this thing?
Gaming on the Dreamcast is not dead. In fact, new titles continue to be developed and released every year, primarily by German publisher redspotgames. Here are some of the newest…
Announced this week, Rush Rush Rally Racing.
Yuan Work’s supercute Wind and Water: Puzzle Battles.
Dux and Last Hope, two shmups designed by NG:DEV.TEAM’s René Hellwig.