Category Archives: music

link love 090309

How is it only September and I’m already facing game overload? Thank God half the holiday releases were delayed.

Music of Command and Conquer

Composer Frank Klepacki has written a handful of Making Of articles for his Facebook page over the last month: Command & Conquer, C&C Tiberian Sun, and his solo albums Morphscape and Rocktronic.

A fan art tribute to the Sega Dreamcast. I want to host a Dreamcast anniversary party next weekend.

I don’t know if I feel this way because I’m been playing too much Batman, but surely, this is the makings of a Super Villain.

Lastly, check out these 1980s film poster paintings from Ghana. [via Boing Boing]

link love 07-15-09

Don’t forget, EVO 2009 is this weekend! If you’re not in town for the event, check out the live stream.

Escape tools

Marc Steinmetz has a photo gallery of prisoner escape tools. Some ingenious devices, there.

Been listening to Da Chip off and on all week. 8-bit + Daft Punk = yum.

Check out Giant Bomb’s coverage of CA Extreme. One of these years I’ll make it to the show.

link love 06-02-09

It’s E3 week! Next week is WWDC week! Productivity hammered!

Pixelvixen and Milo

Pixelvixen707 talks Milo, or more interestingly, an imaginary blogger writes about an imaginary friend.

From Leigh Alexander, the chiptunes band that just might break through.

Miss any of the big three press conferences? Offworld points out the important bits from Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony. My personal favorites from each are Shadow Complex, New Super Mario Wii, and The Last Guardian.