A customized Broken Token mini card box, for use with Wings of Glory and its spinoff Tripods & Triplanes.
My goal with these was to make them look dated, like something that’d been sitting around on a shelf since after the war.

Broken Token laser-cut birch pieces are thin. To give the box corners the appearance of being nailed on, I clipped the heads from nails and glued them to the corner pieces with E6000. The corners themselves were then attached to the boxes with E6000 as well.

For the ABCD and propaganda posters, I weathered the art in photoshop and then printed the pieces on clear waterslide decals, hoping that the lack of white would make it look like the inks had faded over the years. I applied multiple layers, as if posters had been pasted over posters, with heavier duty weathering of the “earlier” layers.

Central Powers on one side, Entente on the other.

ABCD decks (2 of each) along the edges, and XYZ decks (2 of each) in the middle.

Ready to play! One box is for myself, the other will be going to my dad, who I suckered into picking up “just a few planes” earlier in the year.