Left 4 Dead

Gameplay from Valve’s (by way of Turtle Rock Studios) newest IP. What could be better than a co-op zombie romp? This is beginning to surpass Fallout 3 on my most wanted list for 2008.

Update: Bah, looks like the video was pulled, so here’s the trailer instead.

Also impressive, the three letter domain name for the title.

[via the always excellent RPS]

Adam’s Armchair Empire interview.

Universe at War: Earth Assault Post Mortem Q&A

“So in the end, you could look at the transition of RTS from PC to console as “dumbing down” of the genre, but really that’s completely inaccurate. The evolution of RTS from PC to console is all about re-discovering the core fun of the genre while stripping away the redundancy, over-complication, and bloat that has been attaching itself to RTS games over the years. If anything, I’m glad that console is becoming dominant for gaming because it’s going to force some evolution on a genre that has been fairly static for quite some time. We need to grow the RTS market and bring in new players, not isolate it further into eventual niche obscurity.”