This baffles me.

Why does Final Fantasy VII sell for such an exorbitant amount online? Are all these people buying $70 copies of the Greatest Hits version planning to play the game, or are they speculating? Is there a strange Final Fantasy VII internet sales bubble, and if so will it eventually crash, bringing the price of the game down to a reasonable amount, or will it just continue to skyrocket?

Also, Final Fantasy: Twenty Years and a Massive Universe Later.

The Play List

A list of games on immediately available platforms that I want to either revisit or play through for the first time. In the case of games without a definitive ending, a solid experiencing of is in order. A good portion of this list additionally acts as my personal Pile of Shame, ie great games I own that I have yet to actually complete.

With a list like this, why do I even bother to buy new games?
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