Category Archives: nostalgia

link love 05-29-09

Honestly, I’m just happy to have an excuse to post an I, Robot image for link love.

The Law No Jumping

I’m glad that Jason McIntosh has released a new episode of jmac’s arcade, as I missed the original episodes back in 2007. Each arcade gaming vignette is maybe five minutes, and very much worth a listen. [via GSW]

Also, Jamey Pittman’s pretty amazing Pac-Man Dossier, discovered through Jason and the GSW article above.

Speaking of reading, Well Played 1.0: Video Games, Value and Meaning is out, featuring essays written by all sorts of video gaming and internet folks. Go get it, it’s free (also available in printed book form).

Disneyland control panels.

This is the control panel for Disneyland’s Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage.

Our camera died inexplicably so I was limited to iPhone photography for the day, and unfortunately the rest of the panel images I took were lousy. Still, the control panels are all fascinating, very industrial and archaic, like something out of the Star Trek original series set.

How is there not a web site devoted to these things?

link love 04-24-09

Make the rules, break the rules. Working our way towards a final candidate, not a whole lot of blog time this week.

Jet Set Games!

Did I tell ya that the redesign launched on Monday? We even have a blog!

From racketboy, A Beginner’s Guide to the Magnavox Odyssey 2.

Subscribe to Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. Yeah, it’s a hugely popular independent podcast, but I just discovered it this week so maybe it’s new for you, too.