Category Archives: MLP

mindless link propagation

link love 05-01-09

Swine flu swine flu, whatcha gonna do…

SC3 party

Collector Steve Hertz hosts the semi-annual SC3 arcade parties at his house in Claremont, California, where attendees get to try their hands at retro consoles, play rare arcade cabinets, and meet other gaming enthusiasts. Here’s his recap of last weekend’s party. Also see COIN-OP TV’s coverage.

Bubbling back up due to the XBLA release, read all about the History of Virtual-On. Downloaded the demo last night, looking forward to some quality time with the game this weekend.

Oh, and to toot our own horn for a moment, Jet Set App’s first app, BottomLine, just went live on the iTunes Store. Games soon, we promise.

link love 04-24-09

Make the rules, break the rules. Working our way towards a final candidate, not a whole lot of blog time this week.

Jet Set Games!

Did I tell ya that the redesign launched on Monday? We even have a blog!

From racketboy, A Beginner’s Guide to the Magnavox Odyssey 2.

Subscribe to Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. Yeah, it’s a hugely popular independent podcast, but I just discovered it this week so maybe it’s new for you, too.

link love 04-15-09

Did you know? Two link loves in a row is cheating. Always write entries with actual content before posting another link love.

Steve Wiebe chat at CoinOpSpace

Drop by the CoinOpSpace chat room tonight at 7:00pm PST and say hello to Steve Weibe, best known as a contender for the Donkey Kong record in the 2007 documentary The King of Kong. Jeff Rothe has posted details about the chat event on his blog.

Close Range: hot new video game consists solely of shooting people point-blank in the face. This was everywhere, but still. Let’s count the days until someone submits an iPhone version.

schild goes nuts over Demon’s Souls, a From Software developed PS3 RPG that’s been making the rounds in the import scene. Still not sure if I want to play it now, or wait for the eventual localization.

link love 03-20-09

Getting this out now ’cause we’re eating miracle berrys for lunch edition.

Gamester's supergun

Gamester built a supergun setup in a NES package. Nicely done.

After six years of surveys, Nick Yee is laying The Daedalus Project to rest. Nick’s gamer surveys have pretty much become synonymous with mmo gaming, looking forward to seeing what he accomplishes nest.

Lastly, Edge’s Hot 100 Game Developers of 2009.