Category Archives: MLP

mindless link propagation

link love 06-12-09

Looking forward to a weekend of beer, tools, sandpaper, and paint. Oh, and a date with my wife.


TILT: The Battle to Save Pinball, the fascinating story behind Pinball 2000, is now available on both iTunes and Netflix. You can buy the dvd, too.

The Making Of: Asteroids. Keep doing these stories, Edge! [via Arcade Heroes]

Scribblenauts: How a Nobody Game Became the Talk of This Year’s E3.

And finally, a Harvard psychiatrist explains Zombie Neurobiology.

link love 06-02-09

It’s E3 week! Next week is WWDC week! Productivity hammered!

Pixelvixen and Milo

Pixelvixen707 talks Milo, or more interestingly, an imaginary blogger writes about an imaginary friend.

From Leigh Alexander, the chiptunes band that just might break through.

Miss any of the big three press conferences? Offworld points out the important bits from Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony. My personal favorites from each are Shadow Complex, New Super Mario Wii, and The Last Guardian.

link love 05-29-09

Honestly, I’m just happy to have an excuse to post an I, Robot image for link love.

The Law No Jumping

I’m glad that Jason McIntosh has released a new episode of jmac’s arcade, as I missed the original episodes back in 2007. Each arcade gaming vignette is maybe five minutes, and very much worth a listen. [via GSW]

Also, Jamey Pittman’s pretty amazing Pac-Man Dossier, discovered through Jason and the GSW article above.

Speaking of reading, Well Played 1.0: Video Games, Value and Meaning is out, featuring essays written by all sorts of video gaming and internet folks. Go get it, it’s free (also available in printed book form).

link love 05-18-09

Remember local readers, CineVegas is June 10-15! Wanna stalk me? Here’s my viewing schedule.


Here’s a peak at Zenonia, an RPG heading towards the iPhone anytime now. Really looking forward to playing a game on the platform with some meat on it.

From Crispy Gamer (good stuff lately, guys!), Press Pass: Blogging by the Numbers.

Oh, and my first post on the Jet Set Games blog went up last week: Living in Las Vegas. Come work with us!