Category Archives: MLP

mindless link propagation

link love 07-04-08

Today’s the day we celebrate our independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Take that, redcoats. For the locals, it’s also First Friday!

Too many games? Michael Zenke thinks so, Sean Hollister disagrees.

Neat, a NES in a NES cartridge. [via MAKE]

Can you believe that Anarchy Online has been around for seven years? To celebrate the longevity, Konami and FunCom have released a retrospective vid.

link love 06-27-08

Nostalgia edition, this one is.

Here is a Barbie that I will buy, and I will feel no shame. When do we get to see the wheelchair-bound Rear Window Ken?

Ask Slashdot: Best Electronics Kits for Adults?

Branded in the 80s, the website for those of us who were kids during the decade, now comes in magazine form.

The latest opus from Greencine: Drive-In Movies: A Primer.

From the dtoid community blogs, Zac Bentz tells us a NES story.

Okay, I’ll end this with a couple nowadays bits:
Check out Gridgnome’s amazing Spore creatures! [via Soren]
Read the Indie platformer extravaganza on Mefi! [via GameSetWatch]

link love 06-18-08

More on the subject of comic books, read the tales of the Mile High Collection and its sordid sequel, two of the largest finds in the history of comic book dealers and collectors.

This weekend is another free Team Fortress 2 weekend on Steam. Looking forward to seeing how the PC version plays compared to the 360.
Also, Meet the Sniper. [via game|life]

New mega64 videos! Marcus’ Corner episode five, and uh, Assassin’s Creed.

Hot Toys is preparing to release 1/6 Dutch & Billy figures.

And as they say, the future of gaming is user generated content.

link love 06-11-08

On photographing your anime and game figures. [via tomopop]
And somewhat related, taking better photos for etsy and ebay.

Also somewhat related, I’m sold on the NECA release of action figures based on the original Mirage Studios version of the turtles. My dilemma is deciding whether I want the current release or if I should wait for the black & white series 2 coming later this year.

Not counting the brief performance at the Spike VGAs, Video Games Live finally makes its way to Las Vegas this weekend. VGL is a great show, and someone we know well may be making a surprise guest appearance. Need tickets? Here’s a set on ebay going for cheap.
Update: They’ve posted the news, get ready to see Hell March live!

And finally, that didn’t take long.