Author Archives: Chris A

About Chris A

Hi, I'm Chris!

He’s not any kind of program, Sark. He’s a User.

Via Comic-Con: Flynn’s Arcade, home of TRON, and Flynn Lives.

Here’s a Space Paranoids cabinet as shown on the Flynn’s page. I’m guessing it’s not a prop (awkward controls and positioning, 1990s cabinet design, etc), and was ‘shopped up completely for the web marketing campaign, but still… neat!

Space Paranoids

If anyone has a lead on the Flynn’s tokens they’ve been sending out to the press, let me know!

Flynn's Arcade Tokens

Seriously, I’m ready to unfold the chair and start camping out right now.

link love 07-15-09

Don’t forget, EVO 2009 is this weekend! If you’re not in town for the event, check out the live stream.

Escape tools

Marc Steinmetz has a photo gallery of prisoner escape tools. Some ingenious devices, there.

Been listening to Da Chip off and on all week. 8-bit + Daft Punk = yum.

Check out Giant Bomb’s coverage of CA Extreme. One of these years I’ll make it to the show.