“Despite your manners, I like your style. Let me buy you a drink.”
FATE Unlimited Codes, running on PSP dev boxes. Available soon as a downloadable title.
More Tatsunoko VS Capcom. 360 release, please?
Gotta play this before the show ends.
EVO is the perfect place to bring out the semi-obscure fighters.
Our neighbor in the BYOC space, Dark Geese (standing, center) has been running SNK tournaments all weekend.
Hey it’s David Carradine!
The pools, where players do battle. The other side was similarly set up.
Not so crowded during the Soul Calibur brackets, but it’ll be hopping tonight.
Soul Calibur spectators.
The Rumble Fish in the purple NARC has been a huge hit. I’ve yet to see that cabinet vacant.
Pineconeattack‘s Jangofatt swaps out MVS boards on the supergun.
Wanna meet girls? Work on your Magical Drop skills.
Dear Chris Ainsworth, we have some images from the INSERT COIN 2009 event – any interest seeing them?
Go too: http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/kevinw729/01_21_07_09#
Oh dear mother of all things holy, I need to make a trip to the UK for this…
Oh cool, thanks for the photo link! IC looks like a hell of a show.