An interview with George Gomez.

Peter Hirschberg has been floating around the gaming scene quite a bit lately, mostly due to the incredible personal arcade he’s built on his property. If you are a regular reader of retro gaming sites, you may have also seen the slick TRON and Battlezone cabinet renders (hi-rez version) he created last year. George Gomez also saw that video, and sent Peter an email. The neat thing here? George is the guy who designed the original TRON cabinet.

Peter responded and has posted up a brief interview.

One thought on “An interview with George Gomez.

  1. Bill Adams

    The restoration article was very interesting. I have a TRON game that was never in an arcade. It still has the protective paper on the side panels.

    In addition I have a number of video games I designed and programmed that were also never in an arcade but no longer function. If there any good restoration websites, I would appreciate an email.

    Bill Adams

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