Monthly Archives: February 2008

Resurrection Plant

Attached one of these on a whim to a going-away present order.

Resurrection Plant

Finally, the sort of plant my fiancé could keep around! I’m gonna toss the sucker into a container and see how it does. Haven’t found much on their lighting requirements, but I’m guessing if one of these guys can last for 50 years without water, low light conditions of the studio aren’t gonna kill em.

Tom vs Erik

Tom Chick and Erik Wolpaw roast Universe at War in this month’s Games For Windows magazine. Fucking brilliant.

ERIK: Tom then tells me that Universe at War is part of the “serious games” movement, that what the universe is at war against is poverty and social injustice, and that the whole thing is basically a cooperative city-planning game.

Wolpaw has been one of my favorite writers since the OMM days, seeing him target UAW seriously made my day.